Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Weekend And Then Some... (or A Week & A Day)

Okay, so I'm a little overdue in updating my blog.  I know, I know, but I will make up for it...I hope.  Anyway, last we left off it was Thursday...last week! Today is now...Thursday - okay, so I am a lot overdue.

Friday 8/5/2011
Last Friday was the perfect day!  We ran on time, we were consistently busy throughout the day but never overwhelmed.  The weather was beautiful and even though we left late, at 8pm, we still managed to go home and have some fun family time.  We gave the kids some glow sticks and they had fun diving in the dark (in the pool that is!)

The weekend however was not so good...

Saturday 8/6/2011
On the calendar:
Pick up harvest from Poughkeepsie Farm 9:30am. 
Open RaeRae's at the LaGrange Farmer's Market 10:00am. 

That did not go as planned!  I would prefer to lie and give you one of a million excuses, like the fact that we did not have anyone to watch the kids while we worked (I hate keeping them in the trailer for so long, begging them not to fight, or keep their voices down, or stay in the back [our living room space] while we work) but that wouldn't have really mattered.  We've taken the kids to the market when we've opened, as difficult as it is, we would if we had to. Though I want to use that as an excuse, I won't because it's not the real reason and I promised to be truthful.  So, to explain, I refer back to my introduction of this blog where I clearly state that I have some mental issues (stating so in advance to thwart any of you whom feel the need to call the white coats on me, as said, we've met and they don't enjoy my company!)  Well, it was those issues that had me in an inconsolable heap Saturday morning; for reasons I am not yet able to understand other than to simply say that the weight of the overbearing load I forced my tiny brain to hold broke me.

Thankfully this little bout of manic screaming, both in misdirected anger and in imagined pain, the 'crazy' only lasted fifteen minutes or so.  It was enough to convince Joe that we were not going to work that day.  Of course, this lead to an argument where I defended my sanity and insisted that I was not only capable but eager to go to the market and work; I did not win and in the end I conceded that maybe I just needed a day to breath.

So guess what I did all day?  I cleaned - and it was amazing.  I love to clean though I don't have time to obsess, like I used to, about now I have allowed myself to focus my obsession more on organizing than cleaning, but when I start to clean it all comes right back.  I am going to take a moment now and veer from this path on a little fork in the road I will call: Vinegar Lane. 

Vinegar Lane
 I used to be one of those people that cleaned, consistently and thoroughly.  Someone who, like in the movie 'Misery' would know it if you walked into my house and moved a knick-knack a quarter turn due-south.  That being said, if you would ask me then what I used to clean I would list for you all of the most potent cleaners available on the market, bleach and 409 being my favorites.

However, in the past year or two, as we have geared ourselves towards being more health, earth and energy conscious I have been seeing some information that points to Vinegar as a miracle household product, able to clean just about anything.  I never believed it.

Then, I had the all the means to test it out.  I had a big jug of vinegar, I had a dirty house and I had a newly cleared schedule for the afternoon....

Saturday 8/6/2011 cont.
I cleaned.  I removed every piece of glass, crystal and silver from my dining room cabinet/armoire and cleaned the whole thing, made of cherry wood and glass.  I then cleaned all of the items I took out, before putting them back in, I cleaned all the furniture in my dining room including the windows and the mirror and several other small items. I cleaned them all with...VINEGAR!

Everything came out friggen amazing.  At first I thought I would have a problem with the cabinet/armoire, both wood and glass, but no!  The wood was shiny and clean, the glass was streak free and all the items it held (except the silver, that just didn't seem like a good idea) came out sparkling.  I essentially cleaned everything in my dining room with 2 buckets of warm water and a cup of vinegar.  Furthermore, I went on to use the solution to clean the rest of my house as well...even the cresol covered fireplace (which we buy special,$$$ cleaner for) came out spotless and clean with the vinegar. Yes, they were right when they called it a "miracle!"

Sunday 8/7/2011
The cleaning continues.  I'm in the kitchen watching through the window as the boys play outside...until I see them, standing still, staring at the side of the house, dumb struck.  What to their wondering eyes could appear?  I thought it might be someone pulling up the driveway, but regardless, I go outside and it takes them a minute to acknowledge that I am yelling for them to tell me what they are so enthralled with.  When they finally turn around it's to say, "Mommy, Mommy, look it's like fireworks, it's fire!"

FIRE? *!@#$%^&*

To make a very long story short when we upgraded our electric, in order to support the trailer and all it's equipment, we were required to have licensed electrician install the 'bug' (the electrical housing unit.)  Since Joe gave up his general contacting business to start RaeRae's we had to get someone else in to perform the job, which come to find out  - they did it wrong.

All of this is scary in and of itself but when I think about the fact that this unit fire was right outside my boy's window...I am, first and foremost thankful we caught it, but after I move past that, I am pissed, angry, upset, mad, frustrated, disappointed and a swell of other emotions over the seemingly competent company's shoddy work and more than anything scared shitless because we can't afford a problem, any problem, any mishap.  We have so much invested in RaeRae's - there is nothing left.
Thankfully, at the end of the day, an Angel of the Central Hudson came to save the day and all is well and safe...all except my nerves.

Here is what could have been the end to all that is good in my world.

Monday 8/8/2011
oops... completely forgot to submit the final documents needed to formally accept the Food Network nomination for RaeRae's in the Great American Food Truck race Sweepstakes.  I have to go get that don't before will be a close call.

Tuesday 8/9/2011
I woke up today with simply too much paperwork pilled up and a sad looking forecast.  I just couldn't build up enough push to go out on location today so we went on a delivery only schedule.  I was able to get a little done, though not nearly enough but I did manage to fit in a conference call with one of my marketing clients and a meeting at the Poughkeepsie Farm Project about the Soup-A-Bowl.

For those of you who are not familiar with the event, click on the link and mark your calendar September 11, 2011 from 12:00-2:30pm at the Mid-Hudson Children's Museum Pavilion.  RaeRae's is proud to help them expand their offering this year to include both gluten-free and vegan specialties.  RaeRae's will be donating our Organic Quinoa Chili (vegan/gf) and their Spicy Pumpkin Bisque with Chili Cran-Apple Chutney and well as their Sugar-Free Cheesecake (also gf.)  We hope to see you there!!!

Starting next week, every time you spend $5 or more at RaeRae's you will be entered in a drawing to win a family pack to the Soup-A-Bowl event.  Limit one entry per-family, per-day. Entries will be accepted until close of business on Friday September 2, 2011 and will be drawn immediately following by an impartial someone yet to be determined.

Wednesday 8/10/2011
A day off for RaeRae.  The morning started out like any other, got the kids off to camp, came back home...and here's where we veered, I went back to bed!!!  Since I only had one hour sleep from Tuesday (well technically Wednesday morning) my body, and Joe's body whom hit the bed as soon as he came home from his other work at 7am, felt the rest was much deserved and they very much appreciated it... the rest of the day was a foggy blur because that's what happens when I get to much sleep, but I take the good with the bad.

Thursday 8/11/2011
Let me start by saying that today is Angelo, my youngest son's 4th birthday...I know some of you will groan about my next comment but, whatever, I feel old!  Maybe I'm just tired, or maybe overworked...yes, definitely that - and even more certain, underpaid, lol!

Friday 8/12/2011
The day started out with Joe heading over to the restaurant supply store after leaving work and coming home.  After that it was business as usual: get the kids off to their camps, cook, load the trailer and head out to our location, except right before we left the fed-ex truck arrived.  The Food Network sent us our Nominee package for the Great American Food Truck Race Sweepstakes  that contained all our rules and reg. and info as well as a really awesome graphic poster for our trailer...after dancing a little gig we we're back on our merry way.
starting August 14, 2011 - September 12, 2011
You can vote 10 times per day by text or web.  
Please vote 10x per day, I know it's annoying but 
#1 We would do it for you!!! and 
#2 PLEASE!!!

Our busy time hit almost immediately and continued until 2pm; now it's slow...and boring.  One more hour to go.  We are closing at 6pm instead of 8pm today so that we can get ready for the kids joint birthday party tomorrow.  So much to do - so little time, I think that is the jargon theme for my life!

So here I sit, 3:19am and still doing 'stuff.'  I am ALMOST done with the absolutely necessary administrative work for today, the larger list of not so necessary stuff can wait until next week;  it looks like we may be delivery only a few days based on the current forecast. However, more importantly I am about to go bake the cupcakes for my boys joint birthday party tomorrow...and, knock on the keyboard, it's supposed to be a nice day.

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