Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Joe-Joe & the Big Wait of 2011.

Thursday 8-4-2011

Happy Birthday Joe-Joe!

For his birthday Joe asked for...CUSTOMERS! ...and guess what he got? lots of them!  Today was our busiest day to date.  We had so many people that we actually had a 45 minute wait and had to, reluctantly, turn some customers away (best to call your order in during lunch time so we can let you know when we can have your order ready!)  During this crazed time, I threatened poor Joe-Joe's life (on his birthday mind you,) several times!  Additionally, I was very close to walking away...and not coming back.  I was NOT happy.  You may say, "Why?" lots of customers means money, right?  Well, no, it means half-ass service and that's not how I like to do things.

So, I learned something today...Know My Limits!

In hindsight, I made a few errors. First, I took a very large delivery order, apparently under the illusion that we had grown into a double-wide (that's a trailer joke! get it?) overnight and that we could manage.  We could not.  If the order were all hotdogs or possibly wraps, maybe we would have fared better ...BIG maybe!  But, we had about 8+ orders of fries.  Now I know, that exceeds our limit! 

Second, Joe and I were taking orders in separate books, I did not realize how backed up we were until it was too late. We won't be doing that again!

Lastly, I learned today that once I get to 3 orders I have to stop, and get those orders out, before taking more.  I would rather get 3 perfect orders out in a timely manner even if I send some people away (wanting to know what they're missing) and have those 3 customers be happy, rather than rush making our customers wait around frustrated and hungry.

For any of your reading this who endured the long wait of 2011, please accept my apologies.

We stayed consistently busy all day until 3:30 when we ran out of EVERYTHING, and had to close early to re-stock.  So that's what I am doing now...I have chili simmering and I figured I'd take this time and multi-task to update you all in my blogsphere.

Back to work now... we may not be on location but Joe needs to drive to the Restaurant Supply Store (about an hour each way) and then when he gets back I need to go to the local stores we frequent and while I wait I need to start prepping for tomorrow's service, 'everything' is a lot work.

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