Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Great Food Truck Race

RaeRae's is in The Great Food Truck Race sponsored by Food Network. Vote for us today! On the website you will see our photo, bio and link for voting. The highest vote getter will win $10,000 and have a chance to appear on Season 3. Just visit foodnetwork.com/foodtrucks and click on the America's Favorite link. 

You can also vote by text "FT114" to 10x recipients # "66789"

Have more than one cellphone in your family, vote 10x from each one.  Have a work pc and one at home, vote from both!  Rock the VOTE!

The Great Food Truck Race, America's Favorite Giveaway

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Weekend And Then Some... (or A Week & A Day)

Okay, so I'm a little overdue in updating my blog.  I know, I know, but I will make up for it...I hope.  Anyway, last we left off it was Thursday...last week! Today is now...Thursday - okay, so I am a lot overdue.

Friday 8/5/2011
Last Friday was the perfect day!  We ran on time, we were consistently busy throughout the day but never overwhelmed.  The weather was beautiful and even though we left late, at 8pm, we still managed to go home and have some fun family time.  We gave the kids some glow sticks and they had fun diving in the dark (in the pool that is!)

The weekend however was not so good...

Saturday 8/6/2011
On the calendar:
Pick up harvest from Poughkeepsie Farm 9:30am. 
Open RaeRae's at the LaGrange Farmer's Market 10:00am. 

That did not go as planned!  I would prefer to lie and give you one of a million excuses, like the fact that we did not have anyone to watch the kids while we worked (I hate keeping them in the trailer for so long, begging them not to fight, or keep their voices down, or stay in the back [our living room space] while we work) but that wouldn't have really mattered.  We've taken the kids to the market when we've opened, as difficult as it is, we would if we had to. Though I want to use that as an excuse, I won't because it's not the real reason and I promised to be truthful.  So, to explain, I refer back to my introduction of this blog where I clearly state that I have some mental issues (stating so in advance to thwart any of you whom feel the need to call the white coats on me, as said, we've met and they don't enjoy my company!)  Well, it was those issues that had me in an inconsolable heap Saturday morning; for reasons I am not yet able to understand other than to simply say that the weight of the overbearing load I forced my tiny brain to hold broke me.

Thankfully this little bout of manic screaming, both in misdirected anger and in imagined pain, the 'crazy' only lasted fifteen minutes or so.  It was enough to convince Joe that we were not going to work that day.  Of course, this lead to an argument where I defended my sanity and insisted that I was not only capable but eager to go to the market and work; I did not win and in the end I conceded that maybe I just needed a day to breath.

So guess what I did all day?  I cleaned - and it was amazing.  I love to clean though I don't have time to obsess, like I used to, about everything...so now I have allowed myself to focus my obsession more on organizing than cleaning, but when I start to clean it all comes right back.  I am going to take a moment now and veer from this path on a little fork in the road I will call: Vinegar Lane. 

Vinegar Lane
 I used to be one of those people that cleaned, consistently and thoroughly.  Someone who, like in the movie 'Misery' would know it if you walked into my house and moved a knick-knack a quarter turn due-south.  That being said, if you would ask me then what I used to clean I would list for you all of the most potent cleaners available on the market, bleach and 409 being my favorites.

However, in the past year or two, as we have geared ourselves towards being more health, earth and energy conscious I have been seeing some information that points to Vinegar as a miracle household product, able to clean just about anything.  I never believed it.

Then, I had the all the means to test it out.  I had a big jug of vinegar, I had a dirty house and I had a newly cleared schedule for the afternoon....

Saturday 8/6/2011 cont.
I cleaned.  I removed every piece of glass, crystal and silver from my dining room cabinet/armoire and cleaned the whole thing, made of cherry wood and glass.  I then cleaned all of the items I took out, before putting them back in, I cleaned all the furniture in my dining room including the windows and the mirror and several other small items. I cleaned them all with...VINEGAR!

Everything came out friggen amazing.  At first I thought I would have a problem with the cabinet/armoire, both wood and glass, but no!  The wood was shiny and clean, the glass was streak free and all the items it held (except the silver, that just didn't seem like a good idea) came out sparkling.  I essentially cleaned everything in my dining room with 2 buckets of warm water and a cup of vinegar.  Furthermore, I went on to use the solution to clean the rest of my house as well...even the cresol covered fireplace (which we buy special,$$$ cleaner for) came out spotless and clean with the vinegar. Yes, they were right when they called it a "miracle!"

Sunday 8/7/2011
The cleaning continues.  I'm in the kitchen watching through the window as the boys play outside...until I see them, standing still, staring at the side of the house, dumb struck.  What to their wondering eyes could appear?  I thought it might be someone pulling up the driveway, but regardless, I go outside and it takes them a minute to acknowledge that I am yelling for them to tell me what they are so enthralled with.  When they finally turn around it's to say, "Mommy, Mommy, look it's like fireworks, it's fire!"

FIRE? *!@#$%^&*

To make a very long story short when we upgraded our electric, in order to support the trailer and all it's equipment, we were required to have licensed electrician install the 'bug' (the electrical housing unit.)  Since Joe gave up his general contacting business to start RaeRae's we had to get someone else in to perform the job, which come to find out  - they did it wrong.

All of this is scary in and of itself but when I think about the fact that this unit fire was right outside my boy's window...I am, first and foremost thankful we caught it, but after I move past that, I am pissed, angry, upset, mad, frustrated, disappointed and a swell of other emotions over the seemingly competent company's shoddy work and more than anything scared shitless because we can't afford a problem, any problem, any mishap.  We have so much invested in RaeRae's - there is nothing left.
Thankfully, at the end of the day, an Angel of the Central Hudson came to save the day and all is well and safe...all except my nerves.

Here is what could have been the end to all that is good in my world.

Monday 8/8/2011
oops... completely forgot to submit the final documents needed to formally accept the Food Network nomination for RaeRae's in the Great American Food Truck race Sweepstakes.  I have to go get that don't before midnight...it will be a close call.

Tuesday 8/9/2011
I woke up today with simply too much paperwork pilled up and a sad looking forecast.  I just couldn't build up enough push to go out on location today so we went on a delivery only schedule.  I was able to get a little done, though not nearly enough but I did manage to fit in a conference call with one of my marketing clients and a meeting at the Poughkeepsie Farm Project about the Soup-A-Bowl.

For those of you who are not familiar with the event, click on the link and mark your calendar September 11, 2011 from 12:00-2:30pm at the Mid-Hudson Children's Museum Pavilion.  RaeRae's is proud to help them expand their offering this year to include both gluten-free and vegan specialties.  RaeRae's will be donating our Organic Quinoa Chili (vegan/gf) and their Spicy Pumpkin Bisque with Chili Cran-Apple Chutney and well as their Sugar-Free Cheesecake (also gf.)  We hope to see you there!!!

Starting next week, every time you spend $5 or more at RaeRae's you will be entered in a drawing to win a family pack to the Soup-A-Bowl event.  Limit one entry per-family, per-day. Entries will be accepted until close of business on Friday September 2, 2011 and will be drawn immediately following by an impartial someone yet to be determined.

Wednesday 8/10/2011
A day off for RaeRae.  The morning started out like any other, got the kids off to camp, came back home...and here's where we veered, I went back to bed!!!  Since I only had one hour sleep from Tuesday (well technically Wednesday morning) my body, and Joe's body whom hit the bed as soon as he came home from his other work at 7am, felt the rest was much deserved and they very much appreciated it... the rest of the day was a foggy blur because that's what happens when I get to much sleep, but I take the good with the bad.

Thursday 8/11/2011
Let me start by saying that today is Angelo, my youngest son's 4th birthday...I know some of you will groan about my next comment but, whatever, I feel old!  Maybe I'm just tired, or maybe overworked...yes, definitely that - and even more certain, underpaid, lol!

Friday 8/12/2011
The day started out with Joe heading over to the restaurant supply store after leaving work and coming home.  After that it was business as usual: get the kids off to their camps, cook, load the trailer and head out to our location, except right before we left the fed-ex truck arrived.  The Food Network sent us our Nominee package for the Great American Food Truck Race Sweepstakes  that contained all our rules and reg. and info as well as a really awesome graphic poster for our trailer...after dancing a little gig we we're back on our merry way.
starting August 14, 2011 - September 12, 2011
You can vote 10 times per day by text or web.  
Please vote 10x per day, I know it's annoying but 
#1 We would do it for you!!! and 
#2 PLEASE!!!

Our busy time hit almost immediately and continued until 2pm; now it's slow...and boring.  One more hour to go.  We are closing at 6pm instead of 8pm today so that we can get ready for the kids joint birthday party tomorrow.  So much to do - so little time, I think that is the jargon theme for my life!

So here I sit, 3:19am and still doing 'stuff.'  I am ALMOST done with the absolutely necessary administrative work for today, the larger list of not so necessary stuff can wait until next week;  it looks like we may be delivery only a few days based on the current forecast. However, more importantly I am about to go bake the cupcakes for my boys joint birthday party tomorrow...and, knock on the keyboard, it's supposed to be a nice day.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Joe-Joe & the Big Wait of 2011.

Thursday 8-4-2011

Happy Birthday Joe-Joe!

For his birthday Joe asked for...CUSTOMERS! ...and guess what he got? lots of them!  Today was our busiest day to date.  We had so many people that we actually had a 45 minute wait and had to, reluctantly, turn some customers away (best to call your order in during lunch time so we can let you know when we can have your order ready!)  During this crazed time, I threatened poor Joe-Joe's life (on his birthday mind you,) several times!  Additionally, I was very close to walking away...and not coming back.  I was NOT happy.  You may say, "Why?" lots of customers means money, right?  Well, no, it means half-ass service and that's not how I like to do things.

So, I learned something today...Know My Limits!

In hindsight, I made a few errors. First, I took a very large delivery order, apparently under the illusion that we had grown into a double-wide (that's a trailer joke! get it?) overnight and that we could manage.  We could not.  If the order were all hotdogs or possibly wraps, maybe we would have fared better ...BIG maybe!  But, we had about 8+ orders of fries.  Now I know, that exceeds our limit! 

Second, Joe and I were taking orders in separate books, I did not realize how backed up we were until it was too late. We won't be doing that again!

Lastly, I learned today that once I get to 3 orders I have to stop, and get those orders out, before taking more.  I would rather get 3 perfect orders out in a timely manner even if I send some people away (wanting to know what they're missing) and have those 3 customers be happy, rather than rush making our customers wait around frustrated and hungry.

For any of your reading this who endured the long wait of 2011, please accept my apologies.

We stayed consistently busy all day until 3:30 when we ran out of EVERYTHING, and had to close early to re-stock.  So that's what I am doing now...I have chili simmering and I figured I'd take this time and multi-task to update you all in my blogsphere.

Back to work now... we may not be on location but Joe needs to drive to the Restaurant Supply Store (about an hour each way) and then when he gets back I need to go to the local stores we frequent and while I wait I need to start prepping for tomorrow's service, 'everything' is a lot work.

Breaking Dawn Wednesday 8/3/2011

Wednesday 8/3/2011

I have been so backed up with work lately, house work and paperwork mostly that last night when I looked at the weather forecast calling for more thunderstorms and, being that Wednesday is not typically a busy day, I had it in my mind that we would probably be on a delivery only schedule.  I decided that I would forgo my usual 2-3 hours sleep, and instead I would welcome the dawn with what I had hoped would be a much shorter 'to-do' list.

After a few super-sized SF Red Bull, and the entire night without interruption, I managed to mark off about 2% of my list.  5 hours alone were spent on a month's worth of accounting for RaeRae's, and with quarterly sales taxes due right around the corner, I am glad to have gotten that done...however I can't help but be disappointed with all that still remains to be done.  I feel as though I could go without sleep for a month and still not be finished with the current list, never mind the fact that it about doubles with each day.

When the sun finally came up, it was a beautiful day, though the weather folk all but insisted it would start storming around 12:00pm, shortly after we open at 11:30am.  It was a delivery only day, and it worked out well; I was able to get even more done at home in between deliveries (over due phone calls, appointments made, paperwork done, cleaning.) Though, I have to say, I kept waiting for the rain, each hour I checked was another hour the forecast had extended their prediction; what other profession can you be so off and still get paid?

In the late afternoon I was able to meet some contacts at the Mid-Hudson Children's Museum for a walk through of the pavilion where the Annual Soup-A-Bowl, held by the Poughkeepsie Farm Project, will take place.  Did I mention yet that RaeRae's will be participating in the Soup-A-Bowl with one of our favorite seasonal Soups, a dessert & our Organic Quinoa Vegan Chili?...We will!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mad Skies and a Lazy Tuesday Turns Creative 8/1/2011-8/2/2011

Monday 8/1/2011 cont.
...That obviously did not go as planned!

Whomever was in or near RaeRae's around 4:30pm knows that the sky grew dark and angry and chastised us with Thunder, Lightning, Rain & Hail.  Needless to say, we packed it in as quickly as we could and ventured home.  Joe, for the first time in months, made his monthly firehouse meeting, yeah! 

Tuesday 8/2/2011
Today was a lazy, hard to get 'up & at'em' morning; nothing a super-sized can of SF Red Bull won't fix.  Got the kids to their destinations and then started the morning RaeRae routine.  Felt a little creative and decided to try a new recipe for Zucchini & Cocoa Muffins, made gluten-free.  I  had to look up some muffin wet to dry ratios but, in the end, didn't follow any advice I found (Joe claims I never do, he uses the word 'stubborn' when talking about my inability to follow a recipe.)  The result was a delicious, not too sweet, but not at all savory, very moist and yummy (but deceivingly healthy) muffin; I will continue to follow my instincts ...not recipes!
We are also highlighting several of our farm fresh harvest, Japanese eggplant, green and yellow squash, fennel and garlic in our salad and wrap special.  I really enjoy the variety of produce the Hudson Valley offers.  I only wish that I could have more specials daily, rather than being limited to one or two at most.  Our space is so small that we can only carry so many items on board, additionally we have to calculate what amount of food needs to be refrigerated and what needs to be in the freezer, so that we always maintain our produce, regular menu ingredient, and our specials, at the right temperature.  It would be so great to have a location that gave us more space for both counter and equipment, then I could get really creative!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Weekend with (Almost) No Work! 7/30/2011 - 8/1/2011

Saturday 7/30/2011
It started out like any other Saturday (that we are not working the LaGrange Farmer's Market), trying to catch that extra 5 minutes of sleep.  Joe and I take turns, he sleeps in on Saturday and myself on Sunday, barring no previous engagements, like today when Joe too needs to wake up early.  He has taken on a small side job doing some electrical work.

I busied myself making breakfast and Joe got his things together for the job ahead and left shortly thereafter.  I sat down to look at my schedule and realize that I did not need to start preparing food for catering until later in the afternoon.  Rather than rush out to the farm, only to have to go back out later, I decided to write my list but then relax and read my book.  I planned to go later to the farm and the store in perfect time to get back and cook before having to getting us all ready to attend the party ourselves.

Well, best laid plans right!  While I am writing my 'to-pick up/buy' list I am interrupted by Joe's call, who needed me drive to the City of Poughkeepsie to bring him the cash, that he forgot, to pay for his supplies for the side job...NOW!  So of course I had to rush the kids to get dressed and try to get ready myself (though in hindsight my pajamas would have been more presentable then what I managed to throw together.)  I was able to make it to the store before they closed, with approximately 3 minutes to spare.  At that point decided to go straight to the farm as it made no sense whatsoever to go all the way home, and then have to drive back in that direction.  I was in a huff and did not have my bags or my list; I hate being rushed, and even more so, un-prepared.

Regardless, the farm had a beautiful harvest and the kids enjoyed helping to pick out watermelon and cantaloupe, which they helped carry, as well as Japanese eggplant and tomatoes (yum!)

After heading back home the kids took a quick swim before a nice nap (so thankful they still nap.)  Meanwhile, monitor in hand, I baked and grilled and made all of the food to get the party platters out, which Joe came home just in time to deliver.  Then it was get ready, get dressed, go...to the party.

Sunday 7/31/2011
The rest of our weekend was spent enjoying MusicFest with our wonderful and talented friends as well as a delicious Sunday morning brunch in Ct. followed by an afternoon at the aquarium, which we all enjoyed thoroughly.  Joe even took the night off work so that we did not have to rush back home, though we still got home in time for a swim.  It was a beautiful day, though I am not used to having Joe home with me Sunday night and I think it threw me off a bit.  He fell asleep on the couch while I read my book and I was supposed to wake him up...supposed to do some baking in between finalizing this weeks menu and watch a movie with him...but again, best laid plans right! 

Monday 8/1/2011
We both woke up around 5am... on the couch.  We looked at the time, 5 am and basically rolled over and went right back to sleep :-)  At 7am it was business as usual, getting the kids up, dressed and fed and off to pre-school/camp.  Getting the trailer ready and doing all the cooking that I should have started the night before...but it got done none the less.

Joe pulled out of the driveway a little later than he likes to, but that's not really that far from the norm.  Businesses was unusually slow today as Monday lunchtime is normally non-stop but today we were able to sit outside for a long uninterrupted lunch with a very good friend/customer (thank you for your company, if your reading this!)

It is late afternoon now and I am just catching up on my blog among other administrative things.  Joe has Anthony at home, playing (jealous!) as it's slow and very humid on the truck.  Around 5:30pm he will swing by the library.  After picking up Angelo we will close 6pm, a bit early, so that he can attend his Monthly firehouse meeting, regretfully for the first time in a few months. After that, I cannot predict, but I am sure I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Days and a Prologue 7/28/2011 &7/29/2011

Thursday 7/28/2011
I can say with certainty the crowd theory holds true, when one comes they all come!  Unfortunately, I had to wake Joe up to help me, but he had a solid 1.5 hour nap on the lovely plywood bench we have in the back of the trailer in our "living room" space. It's all the same though as he would have had to get up soon anyway because he will need to get Anthony off his bus from Camp at 3:15pm.

I am going to go read now, it's slow during this middle of the day time, too late for lunch, too early for dinner time.  Once Anthony gets here I'll be occupied talking, coloring and reading with him until the dinner rush begins, usually around 4:30 but I'll update later as to if all went as planned.

Well, 3:56pm and I'm sitting here going back and forth between multiple tasks.  I should have written in the previous paragraph, "...Anthony get here I assume I'll be..." As soon as they got back from the bus Anthony was already in mid-meltdown and moreover said he was not feeling well (not one of his common lines) so Joe took him home for some relax and unwind time.  I now find myself writing this entry, while also adding to a business proposal for RaeRae's, as well as a marketing report for a customer (not a RaeRae's customer, I also freelance as a mktg & business development consultant in the print & Publishing industry) and checking all my web pages and email of course!

Anyway, I had not counted on this downtime so I am oddly at a loss of what I want to do.  Normally, I try to maximize my downtime by plotting what would be the most efficient use of said time, when there is any (sometimes there is a lot and sometimes I don't get five minutes.) Today, I had not planned for Joe to go home at any point, it's not typical for a Thursdays or Friday, but today I clicked my heels 3 times and made them magically disappear.  They'll be back at 5:15pm because we have a scheduled delivery which will give Joe just enough time to get there and back to pick up Angelo from daycare at 6:00pm.

4:30pm On-the-Dot and we had one customer after the next with no breaks...which is great, HOT!!! 91 degrees with the fryers running on max temp the whole time, and hard on the feet, but good business none the less.  Had a lot of regulars to catch up with, which we love and makes this whole thing ...nice, for lack of a better term. At 6:30pm after the last customer in line was leaving and no one was waiting, the sky turned angry and we called it a night.

So you think it's easy to just pack up and go?  NO!  It's not...at all.  First, we have to manage our two young (soon to be 6 and 4 year old) boys who, by this time in the evening, are done, tired, and fuzzy to say the least...well, to be honest, Joe and I are all those things too.  We have to un-steak and pack up the canopy, fold and load all the tables and chairs, unlock and release all of the out-riggers (stabilizers) on the trailer, secure anything movable in the trailer which is just about everything, clean and sanitize all the working surfaces one last time, separate all the dirty dished to be cleaned, and cool the frying oil and transfer the oil one at a time in two specially labeled, sealable jars; we don't want hot oil splashing around the trailer when we move!

That's the location pack-up but the jobs not done.  Once we get back to our home we have homesite tasks: re-route all of the electrical, empty the gray water, replenish our water supply, clean all of the equipment, dishes, floor etc., and re-stock all of our inventory.  We also have to make sure that all the food is properly cooled to and from the right temps. in the proper timeframe and keep watch over that process while we do everything else.

Joe and I usually take turns managing these tasks while the other manages the kids.  On location I will typically do most of the pack-up tasks inside the trailer while the kids eat their dinner and while Joe packs up the outside.   Once the kids are done I take them home and let them have some play time before getting ready for bed, story time, etc.  While I am with the kids, Joe will finish the location tasks and then will come home and start the homesite tasks.  Once I get the kids settled in bed I will then go outside and pick up where he left off with the homesite tasks while he jumps in the shower to...get ready for it...go to work!  That's right, Joe works a regular, full-time, job as an Engineer for General Electric in Westchester.  He leaves around 9pm each night and leaves there at 6am each morning...though some mornings he has to go to the restaurant supply house before coming home; he typically he gets in anywhere from 7am-8:30am.

Oh, but don't you sit there thinking he's the one pulling all the weight (though he loves to think that.)  No, no, no...after the kids are sleeping (really sleeping) the monitors go on and out to the trailer I go to prepare more produce for the next day and re-stock any of the food and condiments we might need, fry bacon, grill chicken, bake brownies, whatever needs to be done.

Thursday night there was a lot of replenishing that needed to be done.  Although sometimes I can break up the tasks into two parts, maybe baking at night and grilling in the morning, last night that was not an option because we had a business meeting for RaeRae's scheduled first thing Friday morning...well, not first thing, but after brining Angelo to Pre-School and Anthony to the bus for camp, but before opening RaeRae's for the day.  Before I could even start that I had to finish the report I was working on for my mktg. consulting client.  Shortly after that, the cookies started to crumble, literally! 

I checked my voicemail from earlier and realized Anthony missed his eye doctor appointment (now we have to wait 3 more weeks to get in to this specialist,) then received an email saying our meeting on Friday was postponed, I checked the weather and saw the potential for issues on Friday, and I realized that my order from the bakery was not as it should be...ugh!  All things which I can't change nor control; not happy!

Not happy = tired.  Tired + Couch + Quiet = waking up at 3am going wtf?  What happened?  Oh sh** I fell asleep!!!  So far behind schedule now!  At least I got a few hours sleep...but at what price?  Over-sleeping, or sleeping when I should not be, leaves me in a ripe mood, but in this case with a migraine! 

Okay, maybe this is getting a bit too detailed...I feel like I am writing a book, but I guess if I am going to be doing this for a couple weeks, then your going to need some background info to follow along, I guess that's what this is...a kind of prologue entry, a starter kit, lol!  I haven't event started on today yet!

Friday 7/29/2011
I am getting a bit blurry eyed writing all this, so I will try to give just the highlights. After getting the kids out of the house this am the first order of business is to check the weather, determine the day's schedule and send out the specials menus/faxed/messaging posts.  After all of that is done I have to process whatever special order or catering has come in and then continue getting the truck re-stocked and all the equipment ready, water boiling, steamers steaming, etc.

Today the weather was calling for steadily increasing thunderstorms starting at 3:-4:00pm.  That kills 4-5 hours of our Friday business.  I'll tell you this, since it was also a highly asked question (why don't you open for a half a day if it's not raining until later?) The cost of running RaeRae's is very high especially considering the gas prices.  We have to be careful when determining if we will open up for a limited time, knowing weather will cause us to close early vs. doing a delivery only where we have a earlier delivery starting time and later delivery end time.  If we open on location and then have to close due to weather, we cannot go back and still do delivery.  We have to complete the shutdown tasks, both on location and at homesite, in a timed and specific manner which cannot be deviated from for the sake of both the food & the equipment.  However, if we do delivery only, we save the cost generator fuel, which somewhat makes up for the loss of drive by business, but we are able to keep our regular customers happy by still providing them with the regular menu and specials, made to order and delivered right to their door.  A lot of the customers especially like to take advantage of the earlier lunch and later dinner delivery times.  Needless to say, we decided today would be delivery only.

We also had a small catering order today.  It would have been pretty mellow save for that around 10:30 am I got a call from Anthony's camp...the saga continues.  My son Anthony has ADHD, and it's a constant battle.  So, RaeRae the Warrior Mom with the Migraine, went to battle for young Anthony in the midst of deliveries, went out to the camp, kept the peace, put out the fires, and almost had to walk to the gas station because she neglected to see that her husband left the car on empty when he came home from work.  He never mentioned it, he was too busy falling into an instant sleep when he zombie walked himself in the door this morning.  Need I tell you he did not argue, though not even sure he was lucid enough to understand English, when I told him we were on delivery only this morning. Back to my story, I barely made it to the gas station to realize...guess what? Who doesn't have her wallet?  It's not in her purse? It's not anywhere in the car?  When was the last time she saw it; damn, can't recall.  Did she loose it, I don't know...  Yes, that would be me, RaeRae, the one with no gas.  Ah but the zombie husband saved the day, unwittingly, because he left all his...stuff in the car when he, as I said, zombie walked his a** into the house and went straight to bed.  His stuff included enough money to put gas in the car and drive home...and wouldn't you know, as I pull in the driveway the phone rings and it's another delivery. And so it goes. 

Well, I am signing off for tonight.  I have to be up early tomorrow...why, because I have a soon to be 6 and 4 year old...goes with the territory.  Also, I go to the Farm every Saturday morning to get my fresh organic veggies, can't miss that!  Also tomorrow, another small catering order in the evening. Other than that it should be fairly uneventful...we hope; we'll see!