Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Blog?

I've been having a reoccurring dream that I am asked to be a guest of the Food Network.  Sometimes I am creating food-fusion on 'Chopped', in others challenged to a cook-off by Bobby Flay, and yes there are even a few when I team up with Rachel Ray.  The most popular version of this dream is where RaeRae's is televised for reality TV. Most people who have gone behind the scenes of RaeRae's agree that it would definitely make for good TV. I am not sure whether it's an insult or a compliment, but however interesting as our life may be, when I awake, it hits me, RaeRae's has not yet created a buzz big enough to reach the eyes, ears and taste buds of the executives at The Food Network.

This blog is a response to my own question, "How am I going to get the word out?"  My thinking is that, at the very least, this will be a positive outlet to vent the daily issues we face as a mobile restaurant, small business and family owned business.  RaeRae's specializes in creating homemade specialties, made completely from scratch, using local and organic produce whenever possible.  We make our own stock, red sauce, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise among others, which allow us to provide meals with less preservatives, sodium, corn syrup and other fillers.  We also create our specialties to fit multiple dietary lifestyles including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free.

Creating a menu that has international influence, but that also appeals to a wide range of taste, that can be made for a variety of dietary lifestyles; it's not easy.  When you factor in that we make the meals from scratch it becomes even more complex, not to mention time consuming, and then you add in that all of these meals need to be made in a food trailer, then you have really hit home.

I am hoping that this blog will provide information to people about the issues important at RaeRae's such as organic and local produce, healthy living and the exploration of international cuisine, on an interesting, easy to read and humorous platform; A Blog.

And maybe, just maybe, someone at The Food Network might see it and invite me to be a guest!

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