Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Diary of RaeRae

Thursday 7/28/2011
A few weeks ago I put it out there that I was looking forward to the long overdue task of updating my blog.  I asked all of RaeRae's facebook audience to message me with questions to use in my upcoming post that would address all the frequently asked questions we receive, as well as some not-so-frequent, but worthy of mention. Well, there were quite a few questions and definitely enough to have a sizable post...however, I decided to address the most frequently asked question first.

We received a surprisingly large number of questions but most of them asked the same basic question, though worded many different ways.  The question boils down to: How do you do it?  or as some other put it, What's it like running RaeRae's?  So, to answer this question best I've decided to post every day, a diary, for a little over a week. This weekend we have a small event to cater and next weekend we have the Farmer's Market on Saturday, so the diary starts here and will go through next Saturday to give you a look at all the different aspects of RaeRae's and how we manage, or try to, do it all. 

I am hoping that doing this will give everyone a really good idea of what's behind the running of RaeRae's, how we do it, as well as a glimpse into our life in a mini reality-not-for-tv-blog but, seeing as how personal the content is sure to be I feel as though I need to give myself, and those of you reading this, some rules. 

My rules for writing this diary are that #1: I am going to insist on being completely blunt; what's the point of beating around the bush?  It would take too much energy for me to try to write in a 'diary' while maintaining a pleasant disposition.  I am not always pleasant...sad but true.  My second rule #2 is that I am going to include, in details, as much of what goes on in our lives as possible - though I won't tell you about how one of my sons emptied a bottle of Mr. Bubble into the couch (yes, that has happened) but I will tell you when Joe and I spend every second one day on the trailer (in between cooking and serving food) engaged in a heated argument about the existence of 'nowhere': Is 'nowhere' somewhere, or not anywhere (yes, that too has happened; we still don't agree!)  

So, if your going to follow me on this journey, I ask only three things.  #1 don't judge (as said, I'm not always pleasant, but who or what in life is?)  and #2 I will admit in the forefront that I am not all that normal, don't exactly have a clean sheet of mental health, so please don't bother calling the white coats on me...they don't like my company and will just send me back! Lastly, #3 Enjoy the ride!

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